
  • Вопыт распрацоўкі і працэс выкарыстання святлодыёдных ліхтароў

    Вопыт распрацоўкі і працэс выкарыстання святлодыёдных ліхтароў

    LED lighting fixtures are widely used in modern life. With the advancement of people's manufacturing skills, LED has been widely used in the manufacturing of various lighting fixtures, such as our home lighting fixtures, commercial lighting fixtures, and stage lighting fixtures. Этап L ...
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  • In the lighting industry closely related to people's work and life, the industry has also been actively exploring research and development. LED emergency lights are used for sudden power outages. So what are the advantages of LED emergency lights? Якія меры засцярогі? Дазвольце мне коратка...
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  • 1. Poor construction quality The proportion of faults caused by construction quality is relatively high. The main manifestations are: firstly, the depth of the cable trench is not enough, and the construction of sand covered bricks is not carried out according to standards; Другое пытанне - гэта...
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  • Паводле сучасных дадзеных, у нашым жыцці ўсё часцей выкарыстоўваюцца вытворцы святлодыёдных насценных лямпаў у Гюяне. Можна сказаць, што гэта практычна паўсюдна ў нашым жыцці, і гэта стала выдатным краявідам у нашым горадзе. Каб лепш абслугоўваць людзей, неабходна асвоіць пэўныя прынцыпы ...
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